Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Facebook Timeline for Businesses - The Latest

So, the announcement is out and as I awoke this morning in New Zealand there was already a wee banner on my Facebook business page asking me whether I'd like to preview the business timeline.  I said yes - nothing changed.  Hmmm.  Maybe it'll come later in the day. 

Nonetheless, here is a breakdown of what's what with Facebook Business Page Timeline::

  • business pages' tiemline will roll out between now and March 30th.
  • you can opt into it sooner than that, but by 30th March you'll have no choice.
  • once timeline is operational on a business page, it will be the default landing place for visitors.
  • the business timeline will have the big banner pics just as the personal timeline does.
  • admins will be able to make certain posts appear larger.
  • admins will get a new dashboard from which to see stats, comments, notifications, and other key information.
  • admins will also be able to put one post per week at the top of their page and have it stay there.
  • facebook users will be able to contact a business page direct, by message, privately, just as personal users can contact each other. (That app can be turned off if you don't want it).

So far, from my perspective, that all seems quite sensible and useful.  Here's hoping for a nice smooth transition.

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