Thursday, October 13, 2011

Many Hats

If you run a small business, you no longer are just a baker or a seamstress or a plumber or whatever.  Suddenly you're a receptionist, office manager, credit controller, accountant, advertising agency and marketer.  And whilst you can fudge some parts of each of those and get away with it, it will serve you better if you aim to do each one well.  It will save you time in the long run - not to mention money and sanity.

My tips:
  • stay on top of your accounts - without that information you have no idea how you are doing, what is working and what is not, let alone whether you are solvent.
  • do the filing at least once a week - you won't regret it, and it doesn't have to be a complicated filing system, just a system of some sort.
  • answer your phone and emails professionally and with good manners.  Sounds obvious but how many calls do you come away from as a customer where you think the person on the other end was unhelpful or disorganised?  Do you want that reputation for your own business?
  • think carefully about where you advertise - what custom you want to attract and from where, otherwise you will waste money.  
and last but not least by any means
  • learn about social media and what it can do for your business.  And I mean really learn - not just a few random tweets and a dead Facebook page.  Find out how they work and use them in a targeted way.  You won't regret it.
You need many hats, but make sure you find the right ones and wear them well!

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