Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Got Klout?

I just discovered, a great wee tool that helps you track your online presence, both how strong it is and what areas it is perceived to be in.  It's been great for keeping me on my toes - no-one likes to see their score drop in anything, do they? - so if I see things dipping I know I need to get busier.  It's also helped me focus on what I am putting out there online.  After just a few days with klout, I realised I was somewhat schizophrenic in my online persona - part business woman, part crafter.  It's helped me focus on what I want to be and what I need to do to get there.  Not bad for a wee online tool, especially given it's free!

I'd recommend anyone with a professional online presence to give it a whirl - so long as you keep logging in to see how you are doing, it should be that wee kick up the backside to help you been seen and in the right places.

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